Tuesday 28 October 2014



If ever there is a particular relativity of which the entire human race just couldn’t collectively conquer in unison, that relativity would be the concept known as time. If actually deeply reflected, one may say that what we perhaps think to be the concept of time together as humans can be just mere valuables produced within an agreed period and these valuables may differ greatly in space. In other words, we don’t actually agree on time itself but we agree on the achievement produced within a systemic allocated period in order to appreciate time. For example, if a speechwriter failed to produce the speech for a President or chairman of a company in given specific within a period, the pressure will crank up on those within that line of duty. Meanwhile, in another space, a nursing mother of that same establishment, that same office who is on maternity leave would not feel an atom of this pressure whatsoever. In fact, the appreciation of the concept called time in that same unit differs. The President would not appreciate the speech delivered outside the deadline while the nursing mother would cherish her much needed rest from work with her new born baby without equating with deadlines. For the President or chairman however, the concept of time becomes deadline related. Therefore, the value of time has become relative in space in accordance to relative usage. Consequentially, it is easy to say time remains constant while yet in motion.

And so to my astonishment a few days ago, I saw something online on the Mind Blowing Facts twitter account; which says that the distances between the years 1998 and 2030 are the same. Now for those of us who are nearing our fortieth years on planet earth, it sounds absolutely impossible that 1998 which is not too far away in our minds is exactly the same in distance to 2030; which seems so far away also in our minds. What it simply means is that sixteen years ago is 1998 and in another sixteen years is 2030. And as time continues to spin, turn while remaining constant, it blurs old phenomenon and evolves new ones. These acts then produce valuables or otherwise of which we measure time with.


It is therefore within this concept that I seek to explain the obsolescent of resources in relation to the recent fall in the global price of oil. Without much over flogging of the importance of oil to Nigeria’s economy; let’s delve directly into the catastrophe the Nigerian economy would experience should oil becomes obsolete or unimportant as a resources in the nearest future. The idea of what is a resource or what is not a resource is directly proportionate to time; which in turn influences the demand and usage of it.

What we use as oil today is a product of time, locked up over time and now being used in time.

Back then in the early 1800’s when Great Britain detected oil in the North Sea, the economic cost of extracting the oil immediately was way over the gains of the oil; therefore the oil was not of economic value to Britain until sometime around 1853. Likewise, what made Ghana a very rich nation in the past was gold. In time, gold’s economic demand became obsolete to the yearnings of the world.  Though gold is still there in Ghana and other places as we speak, its value has reduced overtime.

Same thing will happen to oil over time and Nigeria will need some of her best hands in dealing with the crisis that will emanate when the world decides that our oil is of no use to them as much again. Maybe by then we would rush back to agriculture which was our mainstay before 1960.

It is time to start serious relations with time and its relativity in Nigeria.

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