Thursday 5 March 2015

The Hypertensive Hypocrisy Over Gen Buhari's Health

A fable goes thus: One afternoon, the King of Baghdad sent one of his favourite servants to fetch him commodities in the market and the servant eagerly obliged. However while in the marketplace, the servant came face to face with Death, and Death starred hard into this servant’s eyes. Badly shaking, the servant ran back to his master, the king, telling him of his encounter. ‘O master’, he said, ‘while at the marketplace running your errand, I saw Death and he looked me straight in the eyes. O master, kindly give me one of your horses let me ride far away from Baghdad to Tikrit, where I shall be safe from him’.
The king granted his request and off went the servant, galloping on a horse to Tikrit. After the servant had left Baghdad, the king immediately went to the market. When he got there, he too saw Death and he asked him “O Death, why was it that when I sent one of my servants to the marketplace to fetch me some items, you starred hard into his eyes and so frightened him off?”
And Death replied the king, ‘I starred hard at him because I only was surprised to see him still in Baghdad at noon when I am to kill him this same evening in Tikrit’.
In another similitude to the above, an account of the Islamic Prophet Idris was reported as thus: When the time for Prophet Idris to die came, he desired that he should spend a couple of more years on earth. So he asked his Angel friend, ‘can you take me to God Almighty in the highest heavens for me to table my request to stay further years on earth?’ .
‘Why not?’ replied the Angel. ‘Hump on my back and let me take you to Him’.
So Prophet Idris climbed the Angel’s back and aloft they went into the sky. They went past the first heavens, went past the second heavens and went past the third heavens. Into the fourth heavens, they saw the Angel of Death descending towards them and the Angel of Death said to them, ‘God has just informed me to take the life of Prophet Idris in the fourth heavens and I was wondering what I was to do to bring him from earth into the fourth heavens’.
From the above, is then safe to say humans have control over when, where or what will kill them?
The two examples and the above question should be directed to Ekiti State Governor, Ayo Fayose . Perhaps, it may serve well to cure his paranoia over General Buhari’s health and death.
This is because ever since General Buhari emerged as the main opponent of Gov. Ayo Fayose’s patron in Abuja, President Goodluck Jonathan  for the 2015 general elections, Fayose have been going on rampage all over the national space wishing the General either dead or that he should meet with a misfortune of health of some sort.  His latest foray is that General Buhari was “flown in an air ambulance to London because of ill health”. The Governor even went as far as describing the place where the hospital in which the General was admitted as “Cavendish Street, Cavendish Square in London with a postcode of W2”.
Ayo Fayose’s idiocies looks to be a delusional obsession situated in the pitch darkened emptiness of irrationality of madness. To be stalking a senior citizen over what God has decreed of his health and existence and making false proclamations over it is akin to daring the Decree Maker Himself. Make no mistake about it, Ayo Fayose is daring God.

Six months ago, Ayo Fayose showed as much concern over Gen. Buhari’s health as he showed over my own health, so why the sudden interest today? It is quite a simple answer.  Fayose is afraid.
Yes! He is afraid of losing his Governorship seat in Ado Ekiti for a second time should General Buhari win the 2015 elections. Should this happen, he would be the first Governor to be impeached twice in Nigeria’s democratic history. An unholy record to have amongst, even the worst set of groups in Nigeria’s politics of cataclysm. This is why he is throwing everything at the General including the kitchen sink. 
In Fayose’s latest accusation, he failed to inform us of the name of the said hospital of which the General was admitted; and why Cavendish Street in London have a “W2” post code instead of W1G 7AR? If indeed General Buhari was airlifted as he said, why was seen in a photographs waiting to clear customs at London Heathrow Airport standing without any need for medical support? Fayose’s allegation becomes an automatic ruse when one considers that, it is actually easier to know the name of a place than the actual post or area code of it. Mr Ayo Fayose failed to name the hospital Gen. Buhari visited but he could actually name the postcode.

Even if all Fayose’s current claims were to be true does it now mean that he now controls death? If indeed he has powers over health and death, why did he not save his younger sister of ill health and death?
Or how many times have we seen people infirmed with the most deadly terminal illness outliving those with a supposedly sound health? Even in the forest, we have seen withered looking; sapped leafless trees outlive lusciously fresh and exuberant ones. Those that presided over the extensively incarceration of Nelson Mandela, Mandela outlived.This in itself is a lesson for reflective individuals.

Ayo Fayose should therefore know that there is life outside being a Governor and there is life outside the Presidency of Jonathan. He should tread gently and draw a lesson from the case of Aondowase Chia, the Benue State Commissioner for Rural Development and Cooperatives, who recently described General Buhari as 'quarter to go', only for him to slump and die just yesterday at the young age of 46. Or weren’t there some healthy persons who President Yar’adua outlived even while his terminally ill?
  Fayose and his likes should be careful.

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